“I think Tinder has it all wrong. Choosing a partner based on looks alone is not the shallowest approach to modern day dating. Let’s all get real and create a dating app called ‘Husband Hunting’ that outlines a list of assets, perhaps a breakdown of their stock portfolio, annual income and of course…total net worth.”
Marry for money and love the pool boy…were the words of wisdom a friend of mine recently received as she closed the door on a former employer. No generic pleasantries to smooth the transition just a NYC fuck you on the way out and oh…heads up – you CAN’T have it all.
I think Fergie said it best …“if you aint got no money take your broke ass home.” Who knew Fergie was the voice of a generation? A modern day poet to trophy wives all over the world. Perhaps I should just give up this career bullshit now and focus on my ‘real’ goal of locking down a rich husband. Who needs independence and prospects when you have an unlimited Amex and a lifelong relationship with your manicurist?
As a side note…there is an opening at my place for a pool boy. There is no pool but feel free to clean the bathtub. Please include a photo in your application.