Of all the hundreds of publications that have featured ‘Tinderella’ in the past two weeks – The Sunday Telegraph is the first that has actively sort to debase the project and raise questions about my moral character.

On Sunday the 21st of September…the Sunday Telegraph published an article discussing my recent project – Tinderella. Unfortunately, The Telegraph misrepresented me, my work and my beliefs.
“Australian photographer claims Americans are more chivalrous on Tinder compared to Americans.”
Which is followed by…
“American men open the door, Aussie men open their zipper ”
Of all the hundreds of publications that have featured ‘Tinderella’ in the past two weeks – The Sunday Telegraph is the first that has actively sort to debase the project and raise questions about my moral character. I am particularly disappointed that the article was written by an Australian publication clearly happy to employ cheap tricks to attract readers and sacrifice journalistic integrity in the process.
Tinderella is a social commentary about how we connect with each other in a digital world. At no point was my purpose to compare American men with Australian men. Any comments made on the topic have been taken out of context and misrepresent not only the project itself but my personal beliefs.
If you would like to read a more accurate representation of my body of work, please follow this link to view an article published by the Huffington Post last week.