“But best on ground must go to Ian, the passive aggressive fag making all the announcements on flight one from JFK to nowhere.”
Thank you to British Airways for the six hour wait on the runway in JFK. I love hanging out in confined spaces with strangers and the six hours of down time gave me plenty of time to think about all the adventures I wasn’t having in Greece. I am also grateful to you for offering me no food. After, all I am about to spend the next three weeks in a bikini… I know you had my best interests at heart.
Thank you also for the extended stay in the London airport. The Brits have such great food and the two douche bags who tried to hit on me provided me with a well needed exercise in patience. I am a better person for that experience.
I would also like to take this opportunity to give a shout out to my mate in security in London for insisting on searching my camera bag. I particularly liked how you pulled out everything just to make sure. You are a valued citizen and the world is a safer place because of your contribution.
But best on ground must go to Ian, the passive aggressive fag making all the announcements on flight one from JFK to nowhere. Your complete lack of professionalism and inability to help anyone with anything was much appreciated. British Airways are clearly choosing their employees from such a rich talent pool.
Thank you also to British Airways for expanding my horizons. You were right….I haven’t visited enough countries. Why fly direct when you can travel around the world? I appreciated the opportunity to see London, Stuttgart, Vienna and Athens. The 48hrs I spent in transit was so rewarding and I am excited to see what surprises you have in store for me on my flight home. After all, variety is the spice of life.
Thank you to British Airways for knowing it is the little things that make all the difference. After a six hour wait on the runway, missing two connecting flights, the extended stay in the London airport, having to rebook my ferry TWICE, the unexpected detour via Stuttgart and Vienna….after all of that – you offered me a ten dollar food voucher to show me I am a valued customer. Thank you for meeting my needs.
It is a clear to me that you are prepared to go above and beyond the call for your customers. Your alternative take on point A to B was truly an ‘experience’ I will be sure to tell EVERYONE about.
Kind Regards,