Emma Louise…the songstress and her spells.
I heard whispers from a little bird – of a girl called Emma Louise who sings beautiful songs. It was suggested I should be there, I should bring my camera, I should take pretty pictures of the pretty girl with the pretty voice.
That was in Byron in 2011. I went, I took pretty pictures and I spread the word of the songstress who casts spells with her voice. “One day when the whole world has been seduced by her sound, remember you heard it here.” The whispers spread far and wide and soon Emma Louise was the featured artist on triple j. Something had well and truly begun.
Fast forward to New York 2012 and the wall of whispers once again informed me Emma Louise was playing at The Delancey as part of the Aussie BBQ, an initiative run by Sounds Australia designed to showcase talented Aussie artists to the world.
…. and so I went, I took pretty pictures and I listened to Emma once again cast a spell over her audience, enchanting the crowd with her disarming honesty, her pure tones and her stories of love, loss and life. At one point I looked around at the audience, I could feel the stillness, all eyes on Emma, everyone enjoying the journey through her dream world.
“At the end of her performance she packs up her bag of tricks and takes her dream world with her, leaving you feeling like you just witnessed something special. The performance is over but the stillness remains.”
Emma is coming home to Australia to work on an album. I can’t wait to hear what magic she will come up with and I look forward to photographing the next stage in her journey.